Acupressure Therapy: What is Acupressure? 22-09-09 작성자 Jamey
Acupressure is currently one of the best known CAM techniques across the world. It's founded on the basic concept of activating certain acupressure points within the meridian system. For greater effects of acupuncture, balance must exist between the meridian channels , as in the actual Acupoint. This allows for the exact spot that is blockage to be liberated and returned to its original function.
In the case of Acupressure points there are many different kinds to pick from. Tui Na (HT), often referred to as the southeast Asian version of Acupressure point, is the most popular. This method is sometimes called simply UL. Acupressure practitioners generally apply mild pressure to points with continuous pressure in the direction of the Meridian. Then they apply fingers, thumbs or even their tongues to stimulate specific points while applying the pressure. Through stimulating the right areas of pressure, Qi is able to be boosted and relieved.
Acupressure can be practiced in Western languages. Acupressure therapists often deal with the Meridian system. They begin at the feet, and moving toward the head. This type of Acupressure is targeted at the pressure points on the body which correspond to the meridians. This kind of Acupressure could also be called Oriental medicine.
Traditional Chinese Medicine is the source of acupuncturpressure. Traditional Chinese Medicine describes the meridians as pathways of energy which connect the organs of all people and begin at the middle of every person's spine. Based on this theory that when meridians are blocked, the qi cannot flow correctly and can cause various health issues. Acupressure is a method to treat these problems, especially when applied to certain points on the energy pathways of Qi.
There are a variety of ways to stimulate acupressure point. This includes electric stimulation, manual pressure, and the gentle rub of pressure on the points. Manual stimulation is the process of applying pressure using your fingers or other prong attached to your body in order to apply pressure to acupressure points on the various meridians of your body. Electric stimulation utilizes electric current to create pressure on meridians on the channels. A manual hand prong could be employed to stimulate specific acupressure points.
Recent research in science supports the notion that certain Acupressure points can ease discomfort by delivering pressure. It doesn't matter if the user uses the device themselves or gives the devices to them to use for self-management. The theory is the same: applying pressure to Acupressure points aids in breaking the blockages, allowing the body to heal itself naturally. Science is now discovering that acupuncture may actually improve the speed of healing in some patients suffering from pain due to their ailments. The patient should discuss acupuncture with their physician in lieu of surgery or pharmaceutical drugs.
Acupressure has several health benefits, in addition to alleviating pain. Research has shown that acupressure may help increase blood circulation, stimulate lymph flow and increase overall energy levels within the body. Acupressure studies have also shown that it could help in accelerating the speed of healing certain types of illnesses. This should be considered by both traditional medical doctors and homeopathic practitioners as an option to treat various diseases.
In order to understand the theories that lies behind Acupressure points, it is essential to comprehend what qi is. Qi is the life force the energy everything living is composed of, which includes your body. When you are feeling ill, stressed or tired your normal flow of Qi throughout your body is slowed. This is due to an obstruction in the channels of energy. This is commonly referred to an "ergy" (or "qi blockage") It has been proven that acupuncture is able to remove toxins from blocked areas, and also restore flow of qi.
In the case of Acupressure points there are many different kinds to pick from. Tui Na (HT), often referred to as the southeast Asian version of Acupressure point, is the most popular. This method is sometimes called simply UL. Acupressure practitioners generally apply mild pressure to points with continuous pressure in the direction of the Meridian. Then they apply fingers, thumbs or even their tongues to stimulate specific points while applying the pressure. Through stimulating the right areas of pressure, Qi is able to be boosted and relieved.
Acupressure can be practiced in Western languages. Acupressure therapists often deal with the Meridian system. They begin at the feet, and moving toward the head. This type of Acupressure is targeted at the pressure points on the body which correspond to the meridians. This kind of Acupressure could also be called Oriental medicine.
Traditional Chinese Medicine is the source of acupuncturpressure. Traditional Chinese Medicine describes the meridians as pathways of energy which connect the organs of all people and begin at the middle of every person's spine. Based on this theory that when meridians are blocked, the qi cannot flow correctly and can cause various health issues. Acupressure is a method to treat these problems, especially when applied to certain points on the energy pathways of Qi.
There are a variety of ways to stimulate acupressure point. This includes electric stimulation, manual pressure, and the gentle rub of pressure on the points. Manual stimulation is the process of applying pressure using your fingers or other prong attached to your body in order to apply pressure to acupressure points on the various meridians of your body. Electric stimulation utilizes electric current to create pressure on meridians on the channels. A manual hand prong could be employed to stimulate specific acupressure points.
Recent research in science supports the notion that certain Acupressure points can ease discomfort by delivering pressure. It doesn't matter if the user uses the device themselves or gives the devices to them to use for self-management. The theory is the same: applying pressure to Acupressure points aids in breaking the blockages, allowing the body to heal itself naturally. Science is now discovering that acupuncture may actually improve the speed of healing in some patients suffering from pain due to their ailments. The patient should discuss acupuncture with their physician in lieu of surgery or pharmaceutical drugs.
Acupressure has several health benefits, in addition to alleviating pain. Research has shown that acupressure may help increase blood circulation, stimulate lymph flow and increase overall energy levels within the body. Acupressure studies have also shown that it could help in accelerating the speed of healing certain types of illnesses. This should be considered by both traditional medical doctors and homeopathic practitioners as an option to treat various diseases.
In order to understand the theories that lies behind Acupressure points, it is essential to comprehend what qi is. Qi is the life force the energy everything living is composed of, which includes your body. When you are feeling ill, stressed or tired your normal flow of Qi throughout your body is slowed. This is due to an obstruction in the channels of energy. This is commonly referred to an "ergy" (or "qi blockage") It has been proven that acupuncture is able to remove toxins from blocked areas, and also restore flow of qi.
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